Hotel Booking information for Flamingo Wing Association Reunion
16-18 May 2025
Crown Plaza , Jaxsonville Airport
14670 Duval Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32218
It is our understanding that reservations for the event will be made by Individual. All reservations must be
made by Friday, April 25, 2025 in order to receive the preferred rates, for which you are contracted;
individuals with telephone requests must call 877-786-2807 and identify themselves with Flamingo Wing
Association 2025 Reunion. Rates cannot be changed upon check-in or at checkout times for guests who fail
to identify their affiliation at the time the reservation is requested. After the cut-off date reservations will be accepted on a space available and rate available basis.
This contract applies to the following block of rooms including breakfast for two (2) per day and two (2)
drink tickets to be used at the Proper 1822 Bar & Restaurant: Flamingo Wing Association 2025 Reunion
Fri 05/16/2025 Sat 05/17/2025 Out on Sunday May 18th
Occupancy Rooms Rate Rooms Rate
$140.00 Per Night
All room rates are quoted exclusive of applicable state and local taxes, currently 7.5% sales tax, as well as 6% occupancy tax.
Rate Guaranteed 2 days before and 2 days after Reunion
If a guest who has reserved a room within your block checks out prior to the guest's reserved checkout
date, an early departure fee of $50 will be charged to that guest's individual account. Guests wishing to
avoid this fee must advise the hotel at or before check-in of any change in the scheduled length of stay. The
hotel will deduct any such fees that are collected from any amount you may owe as sleeping room attrition.