Sunday, August 14, 2022

FWA Mid year Mtg in October

Due Hurricane IAN an Update will be posted regarding the October BOD Meeting. October 11th.........Stay tuned.......

Oktoberfest is right around  the corner at the German-American Club in Cape Coral, Saturday,  October 22.

How about joining us first on a deep fishing trip for Grouper, Snapper and anything that will take our bait. On Friday, October, the 21st.we have booked one boat the Queen Conch ll, Fort Myers Beach. The boat carries 6 fishermen or ladies. We have 8 signed up and need 2 more as the Captain will take 5 on each of his 2 boats. The cost is $250.00 per person which includes bait and tackle. Yes they will bait your hook. Bring your own drink and food. The boat leaves at 7:30 AM and returns around 4:30 PM, 9 hour trip.

Join us as we will have our Board meeting at 9:00 AM on Saturday,  you can golf or join in a Pickleball game then over to the Oktoberfest. Advance ticket $6.00 at gate $8.00.

You can book a room at the Crowne Plaza Hotel for $129.00 per night, let me know as this is a special price and I have to let them know the name.  239-482-2900  'Flamingo Wing'-

If you are interested please contact Herb Taylor, 239-728-8554 or email

Herb Taylor


Monday, August 8, 2022


RAO’s latest Veteran Newsletter has been posted online.  To read this issue click on  



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1 August 2022


PDF Edition




Pg                   Article                                                Subject

.                                                   * DOD *                                             .


03 == DoD All Volunteer Force ---- (Survey Raises Serious Questions about Its Future)

06 == Food Insecurity ---- (DoD’s Plan To Help The 24% Of Troops Experiencing It)

09 == NDAA 2023 [07] ---- (Navy Might Be Required to Serve Vegan Meat on Some Bases)

10 == NDAA 2023 [08] ---- (Wounded Knee MOH Revocation)

11 == Defense Appropriations Bill 2023 ---- (Senate Armed Services Releases Full $847B Bill)

13 == Military ID Cards ---- (New Deadline for Some Military Retirees, Dependents)

14 == POW/MIA Recoveries & Burials ---- (Reported JUL 16 thru 31, 2022 | Fourteen)


.                                                 * VA *                                                  .


18 == VA Home Loans [78] ---- (Pest Inspection Rule Changed)

19 == Overseas Military Service Coordinator Program ---- (Assistance for Veterans Expands)

21 == VA Fraud, Waste & Abuse---- (Reported 16 thru 31 JUL 2022)

21 == VA EHR [39] ---- (Cost Could Triple To More Than $50 Billion)

23 == VA EHR [40] ---- (Overhaul May Be Scrapped If Fixes Aren’t Made)

24 == VA Caregiver Program [80] ---- (Expansion to All Eras of Service Remains Set for October)


.                                                 * VETS *                                              .


26 == Vet Jobs [277] ---- (Florida Schools to Let Veterans Teach Without Degrees)

26 == GI Bill [317] ---- (House Panel Approves Expansion of Eligibility)

28 == U.S. Capitol Riot [31] ---- (Reenlisted Army Vet Sentenced to 3.5 Years)

29 == U.S. Capitol Riot [32] ----- (Colorado Veteran Pleaded Guilty To a Misdemeanor)

30 == Vet Fraud & Abuse ---- (Reported JUL 16 thru 31, 2022)

32 == Medal of Honor Awardees ---- (Melvin Newlin | Vietnam)

34 == Medal of Honor Awardees ---- (Gerald L. Endl | WWII))

36 == Vet Hiring Fairs ---- (Scheduled As of JUL 31, 2022)

37 == Military Retirees & Veterans Events Schedule ---- (As of JUL 31, 2022)


.                                     * VET LEGISLATION *                               .


38 == VET Bill Progress ---- (16-31 JUL 2022)


.                                             * MILITARY*                                         .


39 == USS Bonhomme Richard [06] ---- (Vice Admiral + Two Dozen Others Punished For Fire)

41 == Military Fraud & Abuse [18] ---- (Soldier Stole Millions in COVID Relief and Student Loans)

43 == Military Fraud & Abuse [19] ---- (Jewelry Retailer to Pay Millions for Duping Troops/Families)

44 == USMC Retention [03] ---- (Goals Exceeded Early, Hit More Than 100 Percent)

45 == USCG Fraud, Waste, & Abuse ---- (Veteran, Wife Charged With Stealing Ids of Dead Kids)

47 == Navy Terminology, Jargon & Slang ---- (‘Chuffed’ thru ‘CMC’)

48 == Navy Days ---- (Warrants)


.                                    * MILITARY HISTORY *                              .


48 == WW2 Joseph Beyrle [Update 277] ---- (How U.S. POW Ended Up Fighting Alongside the Soviets)

51 == Battle of Pork Chop Hill [01] ---- (Fight That, in Retrospect, Had Little Strategic Value)

53 == Battle of New Orleans ---- (Denied the Confederate States Port Access in the Gulf of Mexico)

55 == Military History Anniversaries ---- (01 thru 15 AUG)

55 == Allied Bombing of Germany ---- (Breslau)

56 == Every Picture Tells A Story ---- (Shortest RAF Pilot)

57 == WWII Bomber Nose Art [103] ---- (You’ve Had It)


.                                         * HEALTH CARE *                                   .


57 == Prescription Drug Costs [81] ---- (Bill to Lower Insulin Costs Faces Delays in Senate)

58 == Diabetic Foot Problems ---- (Preventing Wounds)


.                                         * FINANCES *                                            .  


62 == SSA COLA 2023 ---- (TSCL Forecast Up to 10.5%)

63 == Used Car Scams [01] ---- (Look Out For Too-Good-To-Be-True Prices)

64 == Rental Scams [05] ---- (Be Wary Of Rental Scams When Planning a Party)

65 == Air Travel Scams [02] ---- (Airfare Scams Are Cashing In On Cancelled Flights)

66 == Cola Watch 2022 ---- (CPI Increase as of June)

67 == SSA Windfall Elimination Provision [03] ---- Social Security Fairness Act Sponsorship

68 == State Retirement Income Tax ---- (Latest Changes)


.                                   * GENERAL INTEREST *                              .


69 == Notes of Interest ---- (JUL 16 thru 31, 2022)

70 == DPRK-U.S. Relations [05] ---- (North Korea Threatens Nuclear Strike on U.S.)

70 == Electric Cars [04] ---- (Support Slips for Phase Out of Gas-Powered Vehicles)

72 == Advertisements ---- (Once Acceptable Vintage Ads | 09)

73 == Prosthetic Limb Tattoos ---- (Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Policy)

75 == Coffee Grounds ---- (Alternative Uses for Them)

76 == Vocabulary ---- (Some Words to Enhance Yours | 220801)

77 == News of the Weird ---- (July 16 thru 31, 2022)

78 == Have You Heard or Seen? ---- (Reagan Comments| Toons | George Carlin)


.                                      * ATTACHMENTS *                                     .


Military History Anniversaries 01 thru 15 AUG (Updated)



1.  The page number in which an article is located is provided to the left of each article’s title.

2.  To read the articles, open the website and slew to the page number of the article you are interested in.

3.  Numbers contained within brackets [ ] indicate the number of articles written to date on the subject.   To obtain previous articles send a request to ‘or’

4.  Recipients of the Bulletin are authorized and encouraged to forward the Bulletin or articles to other vets or veteran organizations.

5.  The current and previous 3 Bulletin issues can be viewed at


FAIR USE NOTICE: This newsletter may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.  The Editor/Publisher of the Bulletin at times includes such material in an effort to advance reader’s understanding of veterans' issues.  We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.  In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C.  Section 107, the material in this newsletter is distributed without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the included information for educating themselves on veteran issues so they can better communicate with their legislators on issues affecting them.   To obtain more information on Fair Use refer to:   If you wish to use copyrighted material from this newsletter for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. 






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Visit Jacksonville

Hello all It’s a busy week with Thanksgiving just days away, can you believe it?  Anyway have been working Sydney over at Visit Jacksonville...